Thursday, April 14, 2011

Last Day of BEL 260

Today, Nabila, Amirah, Edlina and I have explained about future tense.
Using 'will'
*to express willingness to do something
*subject + will + verb in the base form
*example: David will sing in the car

§   Using ‘be going’
*for a confirmed plan
*subject + be going to + verb in the base form
*example: I am going to travel overseas

 Then, Miss Zu return back our mid term test and listening test. She is satisfied with our paper. I’m also glad with my result.  Thanks to her because teaches our class even though many things has happened only to educate us. Actually, I’m very happy with Miss Zu because she knows the best method of educating with activities that everyone understands what is being taught. I will miss that moment. I will keep this memorize forever and ever. Hopefully, we will see again.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Writing Test

Today, we have to be ready to write an essay. Each group must contain 5 students in the group to complete the essay. We were given 1 hour to complete the essay. That’s mean everyone is given 15 minutes to write a paragraph. Everyone is messy to finish it. I don’t know what I am writing. But the important is the essay must be completes. Finally, we make it successfully even though we are really lack of time.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Simple Present Tense

Today, Miss Zu memorizes the part of speech which is simple present tense to us. This is because we have to use tenses in writing. So, that the reader know what we are write.
Simple Present Tense:
*used to describe situation which happen in the present time
*example: I am safe here

Present Continuous Tense:
*used for situation happening a period of time in the present
*example: David is singing in the car

Simple Past Tense:
*used to describe situations which happpened and ended in the past
*example: He was sick

Past Continuous Tense:
*shows situation that happened over a period of time in the past
*example: I was driving on a coastal road

Then, Miss Zu released the ball from the bag and all of sudden passed it to the chosen student to form question based on the simple and continuous tense.     

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Interpreting Writer's Intension

These are the parts of reading comprehension. Miss Zu told us to focus on the writer’s perception. In the first sentence, the writer’s displays a neutral attitude towards the issue. The second sentence the writer’s used biased towards the issue. The writer’s attitude towards the issue can be shown through the tone. There are several examples of tone:
·         Bitter: sour
·         Comic: entertain
·         Compassionate: sympathy
·         Evasive: vague
·         Optimistic: think positive
·         Indignant: feeling angry
·         Incredulous: skeptical

Types of writer’s intention:
Ø     To persuade
Ø     To entertain
Ø     To inform
Ø     To entertain

This entire note can refer in the text book ‘stride ahead’ and turn to page 134 until 139.

Presentation about An Essay

Today is the greatest day. All the groups have presented an immense essay according to the types of hook and current issues. That’s a benefit after everyone makes an effort to perform a good performance. Miss Zu has comment a positive to all groups. Here is my group assignment:

         According to New Straits Times, the latest case was a dead baby girl found floating in a sewage tank behind a girls' college hostel in remote Kelantan two days ago. The decomposed body was found by a group of boys playing nearby. Two more abandoned baby cases were reported that day in Malacca and Kuala Lumpur. This situation can be caused by many factors which surround us. Thus, baby dumping is caused by peer pressure, modern technology and lack of knowledge in individual self.
         Peer pressure is one of the factors that contribute to baby dumping. Drinking, smoking, have sex when a person is not ready and whatever it may be, sometimes others put the pressure on you to participate in something that you might not want to do it. This kind of pressure can cover everything from fashion through sex and dating. It needs to be made aware that peers can prove to have influence on each other. When your friends ask you something that you never do before this, you will make it as a challenge such as having a couple as well as having a sex. As a result, the victim will be pressured to do the baby dumping. Thus, one should not succumb to a peer pressure when it comes to doing the bad thing from the starting.
         Another cause of baby dumping in this country is due to modern technology. Nowadays, people have unlimited communication with each other due to the presence of numerous social networking. Examples of social networking are Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Messenger and many more. All of these social networks can bring negative impact to those people who misuse it. The negative impact of social networking is evident in online dating when the couple meets face-to-face for the first time. Commonly their personalities do not match their self-written descriptions. They use the wrong detail of personalities to trap people. After that, he would ask for a blind date after they managed to deceive the victim. It might be the person she would see is a bad person. Therefore, we should not easily believe the person we just know especially through internet.
            Besides, lack of knowledge in individual self also is one of the causes of baby dumping. The knowledge about sexual education has been implemented since in secondary school but some of them are not interested about it. They might be thought that they can manage their life in future. In addition, they are not thinking about negative impact that will occur in the future. For instance, when many young teenagers are doing the baby dumping, they are susceptible to side effects such as illness. Sometimes, most of them do not practise what they have learnt during the religious classes. Instead, they want to satisfy their desire. When a woman is pregnant out of wedlock, then they will take the easiest way that is baby dumping to settle the problem without thinking of religious law. Thus, every person should have general knowledge such as sexual education in order to reduce the growing incidence of abandoned babies.
          In a nutshell, peer pressure, modern technology and lack of knowledge in individual self are the causes of baby dumping. Isn’t it clear now that baby dumping is in a critical stage? Isn’t it time for the leaders of the world to stop being merely a ‘talking shop’ and actually take effective action to deal with baby dumping? Shouldn’t we, as normal citizens, stand up and be counted as well in dealing with this problem? Or are we just going to wait until baby dumping becomes the norm in our life before we actually do something?      

At 9.30a.m, Miss Zu explained about argumentative essay. The feature of an essay is same as the extended writing but this type of essay must have stands either to agree or disagree of the statement. Then, she gives a assignment to write argumentative individual and submit on Thursday.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Subject Verb Agreement

Today is the turn maizatul, rasyidah, hazirah and dian group to present part of the grammar.
·         Means that a singular subject must have a singular verb.
·         Identifying subject and verb.
His mother leads a healthy lifestyle
His mother-singular
Leads- singular
The children were waiting
The children-plural

·         Singular subject- singular verb rule.
Indefinite pronoun
Each culture is distinct.
Use of neither of and either of
Neither of the girls believes in Halloween.
Either of the students has travelled extensively.

·         Plural subject – plural verb rule.
Nouns joined by ‘and’
Arts and culture are two different fields.
Nouns preceded by ‘a number of’
A number of students consider visiting the museum a treat.

·         Other subject-verb agreement rules.
Nouns which refer to a group
The committees have agreed to use a culturally-suitable theme for the festival.
Nouns preceded by ‘none of the’
None of the fish is edible. They have all gone bad.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Effective of Writing Part

There are three parts that Miss Zu would explain about writing an excellent an essay. That time I did not attend classes due to headaches. However, I tried to ask a friend to find out learning at that time. I heard Miss Zu has covered three parts of effective writing that is active and passive voice, body paragraph and conclusion.
Active and passive voice
1)    Active voice
·         Indicates that the subject of the verb is acting
·         Example: The dog (subject) is doing the jumping (verb).
·         Most writers prefer to use active voice because it is more direct.
·         Less awkward and clearly states the relationship between subject and action.
·         The sentence pattern propels the reader forward through the writing and thus avoiding weak prose.
2)   Passive voice
·         The subject and object flip-flop. The subject comes first.
·         Example: Report (subject) will be given (verb).
·         Less direct , less forceful and less concise than the active voice. 
·         The uses of passive voice:
When the agent (doer of an action) is obvious, unknown and unnecessary)
Her purse was stolen.
When the agent is known, but the speaker does not want to mention it.
She was given bad advice.
When the agent is general
The door should be locked at all times.
When the speaker wants to emphasize a result
Seven people were killed by earthquake.

Body paragraph
·         The body paragraphs in essay support the main idea in thesis statement by breaking it down into smaller ideas or subtopics.
·         The idea in paragraphs should relate back to the thesis statement.
·         Key features:
Topic sentence       supporting sentence        concluding        unity
·         Example:

Body paragraph
An important factor in learning a foreign language has to do with the concept of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation. When we do something for the ‘fun of it’ or because we enjoy it, that is called intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is when we do something for the purpose of receiving some kind of external reward such as money, time off from work, etc. Many education experts believe that intrinsic motivation is more powerful when it comes to helping students retain what they’ve learned. The question and challenge for teachers today is, “how can we help our students become intrinsically motivated in what we are teaching?”     

·       Conclusion
·        Completes the essay and reemphasizes the main ideas.
·        To show reader the significance of thesis statement, try to address question.
·        There are some ways to enhance a conclusion:
P        Prediction, recommendation, quotation
·        Example:
Finally, the importance of beginning a program to re forest parts of Haiti will be an important step in making this country more economically self-sufficient. Without such a program in place, the people of this country will continue to destroy their natural resources for fuel in order to salvage their present state of survival.

As we have seen, international students face a number of difficulties when coming to a new country to study. However, problems such as culture-shock and the language barrier can be lessened before a student comes to the new country through preparation. If you are considering going to school in another country, you should begin learning about the culture, customs, and history of your host nation. Also, you should be sure that you are proficient in the national language or be sure to sign up for language classes once you are there.

David Warner, author of, Where There Is No Doctor, notes that, “Only when the people themselves become actively responsible for their own and their community’s health, can important changes take place.” This should be the mantra of every public health agency when looking at making improvements in common health problems. Unless a community understands the importance of the intervention and takes responsibility for transformation, no long-lasting changes will be made.