Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pronouns and Determiners

Today, Azura, Najihah and Aini presenting about their topic which is 'pronoun' for an hour. What is pronoun?
Pronoun can replace a noun or other pronoun. Using pronoun can make the sentences less repetitive. It can be categorized into several types which is:

  • Personal: refer to specific person or thing to indicate person, gender, number and case such as I, we, they, he, she, you, it.
  • Demonstrative: points to and identifies a noun or pronoun. For example, this(singular) and these(plural) refer to the things that are nearby either in space or time. That(singular) and those(plural) refer to the things that are farther away in space or time.
  • Interrogative: used to ask question such as who, which, whom and others.
  • Relative: used to link one phrase to another phrase. For example, who and whoever refer to the subject of a sentence while whom and whomever refer to the objects of a verb or preposition.
  • Indefinite: conveys the idea of all, any, none or some. Some indefinite pronoun can be used as indefinite adjectives.
  • Reflexive: refer back to the subject of the sentence such as themselves, himself, ourselves, myself.
  • Intensive: used to emphasis its antecedent. It's also are identical in form to reflexive.

After an hour, Amirah, Nabilah and Edlina turn to present presentation which is 'determiner'. 
Determiners are the words that are used with nouns to clarify the nouns. There are different types of determiners.
  1. Singular nouns always need a determiner.
  2. Plural nouns the determiner is optional.
  3. Uncountable nouns the determiner is also optional.
There are different determiner include:
  • Article: the
  • Demonstratives: this, that, these, those, which
  • Quantifiers: few, a few, much, each, every
  • Possessives: my, your, my friends's
Then, they group giving a reward to those who answer all the questions.

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