Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rehearsal of Speaking Test

The real speaking test will be held on Thursday. So, our job is to form a group to do speaking. Miss Zu has explained in detail on how to score mark in speaking. She gives a note to guide us to use the phrases to speak properly. There are two set that is set A and set B. Set A is for individual. Each of the member group must give an utter within 2 minutes. Meanwhile, set B is for group discussion. Anyone can gives a speech and interrupt the others opinion. Thus, khalis’s group is the sample to show how the speaking test will be held. From that moment, I learned many things. That’s different when I perform group discussion in BEL 120. The difference is there are two sets in BEL 260 compared to BEL 120. I hope my group members and me can perform it successfully.

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